Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back 2 School

Well its back to school for me. I had a great time in Florida visiting my family I just wish I could of stayed longer. When I got back from my visit I went to check my mail and my grades from last quarter were there along with my new schedule. My 1st quarter I took Perspectives, Technical Writing, Medical Terminology & Chemistry. Chem Labs were so much fun we did different experiments each time we even made ice cream ;0)

I am so excited to get back into the swing of things at school. I have learned so much these past few months especially from my Med Term class. It was a very hard class we had to learn over 100 medical terms a week Prefix, sufix & definitions I never knew there were so many.

I just started my 2nd quarter last week adding Humanities to the mix. Thank god the books we have to read for humanities are animal related I would hate to have to read something boring.

I am hoping to land a vet office job doing anything assistant, receptionist, kennel tech just being in the clinic would be fine by me. I have applied at a few places hopefully someone will be hiring soon I would love to have something to do with my extra time & not to mention help my mom out with my expenses ( I am pretty expensive..LOL).

It has been really cold this month and it has begun to really snow. On Monday we had 4 inches of snow it was beautiful but COLD! I love the snow but I will take the sand over the snow any day. Today it was actually warm here 47 degrees.

1 comment:

MC said...

I thing the snow beautiful! I never saw the snow... I'm live in Brazil so, no snow here! (tropical city ¬¬)